Saturday, April 17, 2010

Edgar Cayce's Wart Remedy

There is a abundance of advice in the Cayce readings
on bark care, alignment from suggestions for enhancing
the accustomed afterglow of a admirable appearance to alleviative skin
problems as cruddy as warts and moles to as aching as
eczema and psoriasis.

This ages I'd like to allotment Cayce's
simple analysis plan for the former. A key additive in
the remedies we will altercate is brush oil, a healing element
discussed in superb detail aftermost ages by my co-editor,
Elaine Hruska. My achievement is that all of our readers were
compelled by Elaine's commodity to activate their accumulation of castor
oil and baking soda (used to absolve the bark afterwards the
pack). This commodity can accord you an added use for this
amazing oil, should you or a ancestors affiliate ache from

It Works!

I've advised the Cayce readings for over twenty-five
years now and met bags of added bodies who have
done the same. Over the years I've heard success adventure after
success adventure on how the readings accept accurate effective
in abating bloom problems. If there is a distinct story
line that best generally concludes with the words "It worked!"
it would be belief about Cayce's simple cure for warts.
The best accepted advancement by Cayce for the eradication
of warts is a mix of brush oil and baking soda.

Here's the best abundant account on that subject:

"(Q) How can [1179] get rid of her warts?

"(A) administer a adhesive of baking soda with brush Oil. Mix
together and administer of evenings. aloof the accommodation so it
makes about a gum; not as chef but added as gum, see?
A compression amid the fingers with three to four drops in
the approach of the hand, and this formed calm and then
placed on - apprenticed on. It may accomplish for affliction afterwards the additional or third application, but leave
it off for one black and again apply
the abutting - and it will be disappearing!"

It would be nice if this solution
worked for all warts, but it seems from
the readings that there are some instances
where the warts crave a different
approach. In this case, the situation
appears to be plantar warts, a painful
situation indeed! Here, Cayce suggests
mixing alcohol of camphor with baking
soda. This is a antidote I activated myself
in college, and I am actuality to acquaint you personally
that "it works!"

"(Q) There are two growths that
appear to be warts on the brawl of my left
foot; what is the best way to deliquesce or
remove them?

"(A) administer anniversary black a small
amount of baking soda wet thoroughly
with alcohol of camphor, aloof sufficient
to awning aforementioned - and bind on so as to
keep over the night. This will cause
some little aciculate pain, and a little soreness
for a few days, but will deliquesce and
prevent any affliction afterward same;
for these are as but those eliminations
in arrangement actuality befuddled out in improper
directions." (1101-3)

In some cases, the warts were unusually
stubborn, so Cayce provided a final

"As we find, they may be removed
by affecting aforementioned with a twenty percent
(20%) band-aid of Hydrochloric Acid.
But do not aces at them as the discoloration
takes place, and as they begin
to deteriorate! Rather let them abrasion off
than aces at them, see? for such would
allow too abundant a adventitious for infection
by the irritating, and account disturbance;
otherwise they will disappear. In touching
them with the acerbic it is bigger to
use either a bottle abrade (that is, a small
round allotment of glass) or a broomstraw."
(487-22) (Note: Hydrochloric acerbic is the
same as muriatic acid, acclimated best commonly
in cleansing accurate and bricks.)

If you or a admired one are challenged
with bark blemishes such as warts, give
the Cayce remedies a try. You'll be sold
on the simple acumen of the readings

immune boosters cataracts

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